Sunday, November 4, 2012

Great Groupon deals in Europe that are not practical!

I was telling Adeline that I managed to book a really good Groupon holiday at the 5-star Palm Villa Hotel in Sepang. I kept her updated as she was the one who actually introduced me to Groupon Malaysia. Read about Groupon deals in Europe....

"Yeah, Groupon deals are really cheap. I can actually fly to Budapest for GBP 99 per person for two nights, flights and hotels and breakfast included! Cheap or what? But it's in January la. Who wants to go to Budapest in January? It would be a total waste of money. The other deal I was eyeing is Istanbul for GBP 122 per person for two nights, flights, hotels and breakfast. But again, in January. What's there to do in January right? Some more, what are we going to do in Istanbul besides look at mosques and rugs? Perhaps the notion of going to Istanbul sounds very exotic and whatnot.

There was another one, go to Berlin for GBP 119 per person, flights, hotels, breakfast covered for 2 nights BUT also in January. Haiyo, if stay in January might as well don't go out of Newcastle to begin with. Winter is even more miserable in Europe than it is here. There are even deals to go to New York from GBP 500+ per person with flights and hotels covered, but thanks to Sandy the Storm, this notion is *puff* gone.

Aiyo, the rain so heavy until your shoe rosak? Why don't you wear some more durable footwear? Got anything like that? 

Mummy's comments: One stormy rainy day, my expensive sandals broke when wading through fast-flowing waters. On yet another stormy raining day, the bottom part of my beautiful summer sandals came off so much so it looked like an "open mouth"...he..he...

Here in Newcastle, it's gotten much much more colder. I am frozen half the time, no kidding. It snowed for 5 hours the other day, courtesy of winds from Norway and Sweden. Since it's so cold, I can leave food out 2 nights in a row, and the food won't spoil. My living room has become a makeshift refrigerator.

Mummy's comments: Ai Yo....if I leave my salads out for one day in our place....stinko la...Must be nice to live in a makeshift refrigerator! No mosquitos for sure. Savings in aircon. Electric and power bills will be cut by 50%!

If such a thing happened in KL (which is unlikely thanks to Malaysia's excellent geographical location), you would have stocked up on tons of food and water already la. And our house would still be standing since it's a block of apartments.

Mummy's comments: Not so sure. The other day it rained and rained until the car park was flooded with water. The Honda was soiled with flood waters. Good thing it did not flood away!

Thanks to living in Britain, I am not so scared of such a situation and have more survival skills in this area. Since I know how to make meals out of very little food (I am the poor student pro at making food last on a cheap budget). Make lots of porridge, cook with lots of potatoes. All poor people food but still tasty. I would also like to grow my own veggie garden (if I had my own land) and maybe have a few chickens to give me eggs (and be the occasional roast). So would be less dependent on supermarkets and more dependent on myself. Malaysian weather so good, sure can yield some tomatoes, basil and chillies one. Maybe even lettuce.

Mummy's comments: My survival skills consist of turning on the torchlight in my handphone when the power is down. Not sure what else I can do as we don't have a garden to grow vegetables. Probably will fly to Hyderabad to stay with my good friend and sister, Lata Lincoln.

Yeah, sandwiches are tasty. I make them for David for his working lunch. He likes my roast chicken (I roast chicken and shred it for the sandwiches) and says 'Mm, it's so tasty!' whenever I make it but actually, very easy to make one. Apparently, his colleagues think his lunches are very interesting and tasty looking (ehem, the chef is yours truly) but no credits there because British lunches are really really boring.

Mummy's comments: Yes, that's true but boring is the new diet. Malaysian food is so fattening that its good to have plain sandwiches once a while. Nowadays I go to Subway to buy my salads. Expensive but healthy but don't overdo on the salad sauces...

I am making coq au vin tonight. It's a French chicken stew dish with red wine. David's friend's mom came to Newcastle and visited us and gave us a bottle of red wine (Shiraz Cabernet 2008 from Australia). So I bought some garlic herb bread, chicken, and rocket (a type of vege) today. It's very suitable for winter. I hope it turns out well. The highlight of my day today is making this dish. That is how my life is currently peaceful and devoid of irritating challenges (but not for long). "

Mummy's comments: YUM YUM....I can imagine the coq au vin. Adeline - you can open a cafe when you are bored of practising law. I volunteer to be your chief waitress.

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