Sunday, October 28, 2012

Its freezing in Newcastle at this time of the year

Whilst its raining in Malaysia, cold winds are blowing in Newcastle...

Adeline's updates:

"The temperatures here plummeted on Friday and it snowed heavily for 4 hours straight. Snow is magical when you are at home watching it, but not so nice when you are outside. An old man told David that it's cold winds blowing from Norway and Sweden that's bringing snow to the North East. We're one of the first regions to see snow this year.

I am going to miss being neighbours with Europe. Europe is amazingly beautiful and I haven't visited all the other countries. However, I need to save money so that when I come back I can have a substantial amount in my bank. So all that travelling will have to be put on hold. There were good deals on Groupon such as travel to Barcelona or Berlin for GBP 129 per person for two nights, flights and hotel included. It's cheaper than going to London to stay! But don't want to spend lah.

So what I've been doing since Friday is try to keep warm because the weather is freezing. If I go clean my bathroom for 15 mins, I come out absolutely frozen. I usually hide under my blanket or use my hot water bottle (yea, got blanket in the living room). Also we wear socks and slippers and jackets and I wear 2 layers of pants. This house is like a refrigerator now. I can leave food out 2 nights in a row and it won't spoil. 

I bet all the insects that I despise have met their untimely demise at the hands of the frost. HA HA, take that pests!"

Mummy's notes: Brr...brr...I am feeling the cold just reading this.

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