Sunday, October 21, 2012

How to get a job at Sainsbury

Latest update from Adeline:

"Sainsbury's hired me so I'm going to be a General Assistant Band 2 starting from 8 Nov to Jan 5 2013.

Hurray, got a job at last. Thanks for the prayers.

The interview was easy. I had to do a questionnaire while watching a DVD. They gave situations like customers complaining about expired food, asking about food products etc and you have to rank your responses accordingly. I just answered as if I was a super good sales assistant (in reality, I wouldn't think to do those things in that order).

Then I had to do a ridiculously easy maths test (If you had 3 bags of 7 toilet paper rolls, how many toilet paper rolls do you have?) and a personality questionnaire. There were a few trick questions in the questionnaire like "I often see ways in which people can work around the law without actually breaking it". To this, I wanted to reply 'Strongly Agree' because growing up in Malaysia teaches you a few things about going around the law, but I figured that this is a trick question to assess my own personality so I put Strongly Disagree.

Then the second round was answering questions like Why Do You Want To Work at Sains? To which I replied that I like their ethical stance eg fairtrade products, organic stuff, vegetables in season etc.

The manager said my answers to these questions were good (cause I did research beforehand)"

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