Monday, November 19, 2012

Physical labour

Physical nature of my job, Adeline writes....

"It's tough. I carry heavy boxes all day. I sustain cuts all over my hands. These are painful. At night when I wait for the bus, I see my co-workers waiting with me. While I like they're contentedness, I wonder how they can stand working in this kind of job permanently. They have nowhere to go. What goals are there to achieve? If I were them, born into a family that didn't expect me to achieve, working in such a job would do the trick. I'd save up and get myself a degree. I can take a loan after all, if I were British. I would hate to be stuck in this job forever. This makes me think that the cure for laziness is hard, physical labour. Few months working in a construction site and I am sure, nobody will ever take anything for granted. 

I always need something to motivate me. Mundane jobs are the worst. So even in my own mundane replenishing job, I think of things to keep it more interesting.

Like developing a system of working the replenishment carts, giving myself a time frame in which to work them, memorising item locations so that I can help customers. I am just a small girl with skinny arms and I am lugging very heavy carts and carrying heavy containers. But then I think, this is a free workout.

I think Wei Wei needs a taste of hard physical labour. No offense."

Note: Wei Wei is the nickname for my son.

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