Friday, November 30, 2012

Differences between British girls & Asian girls

Adeline makes some observation about her British colleague....

"I have very nice colleagues and I usually work next to Becky. Becky is 19 and is really pretty. Usually white girls are tall, blonde, pale etc but Becky looks a little bit Asian by being petite (slightly taller than me) and having dark hair and delicate features. I usually think white girls aren't that attractive and I think it's down to the fact that their features are usually indelicate.

They also age fast. Their skin is also not as nice and smooth as Asian skin. Asian girls age a lot better than white girls. But Becky has very nice skin, and lovely grey eyes. And her hair is a very dark brown but sometimes it looks auburn. So I think she's definitely one of the prettier white girls I've seen. I had a colleague in RR who was also very pretty. She had honey gold hair and green eyes that caught the light but her features weren't that delicate and nice.

Becky is working part time, like me, and she's studying English with hopes of becoming a speech therapist. I get to ride home in her boyfriend's car when I have the same shift as her. She doesn't charge me for it (white people usually will charge) so in this sense she is really nice. And she also laughs at everything. 

Whenever I see a tanned,slim, mata sepet Asian girl with ebony black hair, she almost always looks way prettier than all the white girls around her. I think it's because she looks diffferent. Among pale skin, tanned Asian skin virtually glows golden. But in Malaysia, such skin would be considered dark and therefore unattractive. And I cannot emphasise enough how beautiful pure black hair is. It's so striking and eye catching. Normal white caucasian hair does not usually have such striking elements unless it is a really lovely golden blonde or beautiful fiery red. Otherwise, it just doesn't catch the eye. 

But all the other white girls I have known usually look older than their years, tend towards being chubby, and don't look appealing at all. Maybe they can be called sexy cause they are voluptuous, but definitely not cute...."

Agree? Disagree?

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