Thursday, November 15, 2012

What would you do if you were me?

So what would you do if you were me?

Your son has been skipping classes every day. He takes out the car and says he is going to college but he goes to play badminton. At the end of the term, his lecturer gives you a letter listing the dates he 'pontenged' class. Although he had reasonable passing marks for his subjects but he was marked as having failed his papers due to the high standards set by the examination board. (Above 80 is considered a pass).

I have prayed, I have cajoled, I have persuaded...but I realize that a 20-year-old is not a little boy anymore. He has his own mind.

It turned out that he was not a bit interested in aircraft engineering. Dirty/dusty/having to work shifts. There is nothing glamorous in this type of work.

"I want to work in an office" that's what he has been saying to me and the daddy.

Sigh..I guess his action, his grades and marks left us with no choice.

We had to take him out for University and enrolled him in another Uni nearer our house. Now he is settled down doing a business course which he likes.

Is this common among boys? My girls don't have problems with their courses, in fact they are usually among the top!

A friend of ours just told us recently that he also switched course after his first year. I also recalled some of my law classmates who were at first enrolled in Science faculty. One or two of them switched to law mid-way.

How should I react? Such a thing would be unthinkable if I were like my parents. They would not be able to afford any change of courses!

Just have to bite the bullet and accept him as he is...SIGH!

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