Thursday, November 15, 2012

A good & polite young man

Well its youngest daughter has got a beau!

He is polite, well-behaved and handsome. And studying medicine!

The youngest girl actually wanted to study medicine until the father stopped her. According to daddy, he is doing her a favor by saying NO to her accepting the offer to medical school. Firstly, doctors lead stressful lives (remember the doctor houseman who died of an overdose)? Secondly, she is not a 10 A1s or 9 A1s scorer like her elder sister in England.

I was going 'rah-rah' for her to do medicine. Imagine no queuing in the clinics. No paying consultation fees at the clinic. Free vitamins & medication when sick! Tons of health benefits for sure.

Instead the daddy insisted she do either dentistry or pharmacy instead. My daughter eventually opted for the latter. She is really a good girl with a big heart doing a good deed for a friend who needed the last place in dentistry badly. She decided to make way for her friend!

I must have brought her up correctly despite being a career mum.

Anyway one day my sweet 20-year-old brought home a polite, good-looking young man from her Uni who turned out to be a medical student! God has heard my prayers after all!

This young man has been exemplary the day he greeted us. He made sure that the door to their room is open when they are watching movies on the computer. He greets us when they come back from dates. He drives her all the way from his home to PJ to our place in Ampang. He has a curfew to keep. He enjoys going out for meals with the family. In short we enjoy a happy camaderie with him.

I am glad to see my youngest daughter so happy. Indeed she has found her match, a perfect gentleman & a model young man with a bright future.

Oh...not forgetting to mention that he comes from a family of believers & all his brothers (like him) have names from the Bible.

I have the peace concerning my daughter's life to work on my son...

Anyone know a godly girl?

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