Friday, October 28, 2011

Sweet girl

Each child in my family is unique. They are really specially created by God to fit into our family. My eldest daughter is a lovely and mature girl, wise beyond her years. My son is funny, jovial and a quiet person but my youngest girl is really sweet. Amanda is my constant companion whenever she is home. She finds time to be with me and to go shopping with me or just generally chit chat. I love to hear her playing on the piano, singing and talking in her lilting voice.

The other day, she took my hand and told me "Mummy I pray for you everyday. I pray that you don't get cancer." As it turns out, one of her friend's mum had cancer at a young age and he had to skip a year of uni to take care of her. Amanda told me that she prayed hard for me that I won't get cancer as she loved me so much.

It is moments like this that makes you weak in the knees and brings tears to your eyes. How wonderful to have your children telling you that they love you so much....

Amanda suggested that we visit the mother of her friend who was recovering from cancer and I willingly took her there. Her loving and kind heart has touched me once again....I must have done something right in bringing her up....

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