Friday, October 28, 2011

Driving lessons

Young people love cars. The moment they reach the age they can drive, they will bug you to pay for their driving lessons.

After 2 cases of 'licence' abuse (one by the elder sister and the other by the driver), Tim decided to put the brakes on paying for the licence of the youngest daughter. Despite her badgering, complaining, nagging and arguing, daddy would not budge. He said that there was only 2 cars in the family, one for him and the other for the brother to drive to college. Amanda, the ever determined girl she was, decided to work to save money to pay for her licence.

A very noble thought indeed but I have learnt that sometimes the glam and the glitter of KL shopping malls (modern temple, as a preacher called it!) will quickly put paid to any ideas of saving for driving lessons, purchase of cars or holidays or whatever else....alas after deducting EPF, SOCSO and all her shopping bills at Uniclo (you guess it she worked there and was tempted by the staff discounts) nothing much was left for her at the end of the day. The only treat she probably gave us with her pay (unless my memory failed me) was a MacD big breakfast on the way to Singapore during our March holiday this year on the ship, Libra.

At the end of the day, mummy had to graciously give her some money to help pay for her driving lessons (as an ample excuse in case daddy asked mummy, we conspired to say that it was an ang pow for her for good results). However this is a fact which cannot be denied as she did get sterling results for her second re-sit of the Maths, Bio and Chemistry paper for her Foundation in Science.

Anyway, she just completed her driving exam. Whilst all of us passed ours at first try, mummy being the oldest at 34 (yep, that's how old I was when I took up the wheels but I passed) she made family history by being the first to fail her exam!

I wonder who is going to pay for the repeat lessons? Don't look at me!

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