Friday, October 28, 2011

Samuel's new passion

Well, my son is staying home more nowadays. I think there is something about pets that bring out the loving nature in children and even young adults. Since getting the family of hamsters from his younger sister, I can see that he has enjoyed taking care of them, feeding them and playing with them.

All their previous hamsters have died an untimely death. Tim just cannot stand the sight of hamster parents biting off the heads of their young ones. According to Amanda, we should not be touching the babies too much. It is the human touch smell that triggers the 'killer instinct'. The other thing that Tim absolutely dislikes is the hamsters escaping from their cage and biting the sofa sets in the house. As long as they were kept inside Sam's room, it was fine with him.

So far so good I must least I don't see him playing computer games like crazy before. He used to sit in front of the PC from the time he woke up (usually 4 pm) till 4 am in the morning!

Pets, no matter what shape and sizes does do something to the children! Somehow it makes them more responsible and caring and brings out tenderness and love in them.

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