Friday, October 28, 2011

Money matters

Normally before Tim and I embark on our travels, we will count the pocket money we give the children and give them a little extra just in case of emergencies. It is not uncommon for us to give the young adults RM500 to RM700 before we depart for a 10 day sorjourn overseas. The money is to cover their food and transport and other expenses for the entire time we were away.

Usually it is enough. Except for the 14 day holiday we took to England this year when Amanda blogged to say that she missed us so much (that entry really made my day) the India trip was well managed in terms of finances for them. For the England trip, her money just ended a day before we returned and she was 'desperate' to get more money from me. For India, she had to dip into the emergency funds I left her as she had to pay for school books and other stuff.

Well, its understandable that there will be minuses in the budget especially in dealing with young adults. They must have their MacD's or KFC's or their Starbucks or movies or the occasional dates. They also need now and then to buy the latest concert tickets like Planet Shakers and maybe the latest t-shirts at Uniclo which happen to be on sale. It is inevitable that we as parents have to cough up some of the money to pay for the occasional treat!

In order to maintain good relationship with them, we have to be generous when it comes to allowances and not be tight-fisted. Money goes a long way to build relationships. Giving them a lump sum to handle each time we travel helps them to learn responsibility and accountability in the handling of their funds.

Money does matter to young adults and you have a winnable formula if you are willing to dip into your pockets for the little luxuries they will ask you now and then to finance.

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