Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Water Park

BGRC in its brochures claims to have the best water park in Malaysia.

Well for our children who has gone to Australia, no other water park in the world can rival the the huge and 'dangerous' water rides of the Wet & Wild in the Gold Coast.

Which is true, although the water park in Bukit Gambang is not too bad by Malaysian standards.

The only complaint I had was we had to pay to rent the towel, pay to rent the locker and pay to rent the double giant floats for the lazy river. 

We arrived to a very crowded water park on a Saturday morning. The wave pool was packed, the lazy river was 'bumper to bumper' (or float to float). People were everywhere!

You had to edge in somewhere or you will miss out.

Me....I chickened out showing off my swimsuit because nobody was wearing a swimsuit! All the ladies were in t-shirts, shorts, long pants, long sleeve shirts and some even in their day clothes! I just lugged the camera around trying to find an empty cabana (which also had to be rented)!

Fancy being in a water park and not being in the water....

Anyway the water park is rather compact but the racer slides were very popular with the 2 young men who came with us for the holiday. All in they must have raced down on their tummies lying flat on a blue rectangular mat more than 5 times! Watching them I can understand the thrill of the race.

Tim took the double float and slept while cruising the lazy river! Can't imagine him with his rather protruding tummy being bumped by others floating around on similar floats.

It wasn't fun for me because I could not get into the water due to my designated role as "jaga camera" (camera keeper) or rather my self-imposed shyness in getting into the water with my one piece swimsuit. 

My husband said that everyone will flee if I were to go in like that....(sob sob)! Worse still I could be asked to leave for 'indecent' exposure. I will be
smarter next time to bring extra t-shirts for water parks. If you can't beat them, join them!

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