Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Night Jungle & fire show

Night Jungle

If your vision is not so good its best to give this a miss.

Most of the time I found myself doing eye exercises like squinting into the glass enclosures and second guessing where the animals were hiding. The tapir was visible because of its size but it was sleeping when we saw it. The skunks on the other hand were having a great night foraging for food and releasing their smell, the armadillo, hedgehogs, porcupines, squirrels, racoons and other marsupials were busy trying either to eat, sleep or hide from us. 

Anyway all I can say is that the selection of animals in the night jungle is really great although it does take time to stare into the glass enclosure before one can start detecting shapes or movements among the rocks, trees and shrubs in the animal enclosures.

Fire show

The fire-show was something else. 5 young men from Australia or some foreign country gave us a stunning performance of fire-blowing and fire-eating (a very dangerous act). 

Blowing fire from their mouths was just as easy to them as blowing air or blowing bubbles!

Most amazing was this young men who ate fire! He would wipe his mouth each time he put the fire torch into his mouth as though he relished and enjoyed the taste.

In order to make the fire bigger all the fire blowers would drink kerosene and then put the fire torches into their mouth before blowing out fire.

I knew it was kerosene because each time they drank from a bamboo tube some of it spilled onto the ground and I went forward to just see what it was....it smelt like kerosene.

This is a very dangerous act and must have taken many years to master. Surely not for a novices but for skilled masters of the act....

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