Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Simba and the meerkat

Well it was worth it to pay RM38 for the Savannah, the white lion in the glass enclosure, the night jungle, the animal show and the fire show, all of which were housed within a huge building before the start of the Savannah. 

One cannot walk through the Savannah as the animals are wild animals but the animals in the huge building at the entrance of the Safari Park were placed in cages or enclosures for public viewing the petting.

The white lion named Simba was taken out of his natural habitat and placed for public viewing in a glass enclosure. He had a nonchalant look about him but he was really magnificent-looking. Like I said he does remind me of Aslan in Narnia.

The restaurant is just side by side with his enclosure. For RM48 you could buy yourself a buffet dinner and 'dine' with the lion.....

Animal show

What do you call a bird who can count, add, multiply and identify pictures? Well this beautiful blue bird could do all the sums given to him. Even more amazing was it was the audience who gave him the sums to do not his keepers! 

The meerkat was another popular animal with the young men. They spent a relatively long time stroking her and playing with her. Yes, the meerkat was like a half cat half tiger but really domesticated and kind of lazy. When Tim tried to hold her for photos she rebelled so these photos were taken only after patiently 'coaxing' her to pose for us.....


"This is better than my hamsters back home....."
Simba is my favorite animal in the Safari Park, the meerkat is the children's favorite....

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