Sunday, January 27, 2013

The shortest holiday ever!

Jan 27 2013

The family was all excited as we had signed up for the Gold Coast Morib Resort under Groupon.

The holiday was a bargain as it was almost 50% off the rack price and we did not have to pay any surcharge too. So after packing, having a good breakfast at One Nite in Pandan Indah (they serve the best charcoal bread & a so-so cup of teh sie) and arguing about who gets to play what CD in the car (the rule is whoever drives get to play his or her choice of CD or DVD)...we were off to an exciting holiday or so we thought!

We made use of the GPS and road signs and finally found our way to Morib. We started the journey at 12 pm and traveled to Ijok, Banting, Jenjarom and other smaller towns along the way. When we finally reached the hotel a good 2 hours later, we found to our amazement and surprise that they could not find our reservation!

I had called the hotel to confirm our booking and even asked them if we could late check-in. Yet they could not find our booking! Suddenly one bright young receptionist checked for us and realized that our check in date was supposed to be one day later i.e. Jan 28 - not Jan 27!

How embarrassing! I pleaded for a room and there was none. As it was a Sunday, all rooms were fully booked!

I felt so shameful and had to apologize to the children and Tim. How could I have made such a mistake. Blame it on the hormones! Blame it on menopause!

This was in Tim's words "the shortest holiday ever". The consolation was we found a Pasar Segar (fresh market in a warehouse-like building) that sells foodstuff normally used for steamboat. Unusual cuttlefish balls. tri-colored tau foo, star-shaped fish cakes, crab sticks, fish rolls, premium tim sum, udon noodles, watermelons, papayas...all at reasonable prices!

Well..thank goodness it wasn't the day after. If we had turned up one day late, the Groupon voucher would have to be forfeited!

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