Friday, February 1, 2013

Gold Coast Morib Resort

This Groupon holiday is a real bargain.

At RM168 for 2 rooms with Jacuzzi, we found the rooms spacious. The boys took one room - the one facing the water park whilst the girls took the room facing the carpark.

The water theme park was more for little children. With a lazy meandering river, wide slides, gentle soft sloping slides, a long and winding tube ride, we could see many families taking advantage of the holiday season to enjoy themselves in the park. The peculiar thing was many of the holiday makers (being Malays) were wearing swimsuits that looked like track suits. Apparently this type of swimsuit is acceptable to them. Bikinis are a no no.

Amanda found the water a tad dirty even murky. Declaring that she was not going into the water again, she cut off her wrist tag that allowed admission to the park. We followed suit and decided to spend the afternoon exercising in the gym. The gym was well equipped. Samuel had a blast. It was amazing to see the energy of the children. They can do sit-ups, pull-outs and carry heavy weights. Me - I was huffing & puffing after a round on the cycle and the treadmill!

After the gym, we spent almost an hour soaking & sleeping the Jacuzzi. Amanda even watched a movie.

The buffet dinner was good. With tempura, chicken rice, koay teow, salads, roast beef stew, curry chicken, tau foo and vegetables, we were spoilt for choice.

After dinner, we adjourned to the boys' room to do a short family devotion.

We spent most of the night answering Amanda's riddles (some hard, some easy) and playing word games.

The next morning we had a great breakfast at the beach. The beach was pristine white. The sand was clean and fresh. 

All in all I could say that it was a refreshing holiday but we probably would not go again as it did not offer much in terms of activity/attractions for young adults like ours!

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