Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The dreaded dengue

After hearing so many tales about dengue, our hearts were really in fear when the doctor confirmed that our youngest daughter had it. Well at first, he said it was measles...then he said it was dengue and we got thoroughly confused!

It started with fever then came the spots all over her body and her face. After doing the blood test, the doctor said that the platelet count had dropped. He advised against traveling anywhere as she may have to be hospitalized at short notice.

You see we were in the midst of the CNY and we were making plans to travel to Penang and then to Bali! The saddest was our youngest daughter who was told that she could not make the journey to Penang. The truth was she had bought the loveliest cheong sam from a Penang boutique and could not wait to wear it! Of course the RMs in ang pow which she did not want to miss out getting.

Praise God for the continuous prayers of our church friends! Her platelet count stabilized on CNY eve and her father decided that she was fit to travel! However the condition was she had to do another blood test in Penang!

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