Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Melayu in law

My sis called me the other day and asked me if I could attend her step-daughter's wedding.

It wasn't the short notice that shocked me but rather the news that her step-daughter was marrying a Melayu!

My youngest daughter told me at the wedding "I have a British cousin now and I have a Melayu cousin-in-law!" My third sister married a British and had a cute British daughter who lives in England.

Of course I said yes seeing that she was my eldest sister and I rarely visited her (perhaps once a year during CNY). There was a need to keep in touch with news of the family. Also I needed to be there to show my support as most of my family members were in Penang.

In fact, big sis herself married another race - a Punjabi! So my family line is becoming rather 1 Malaysia!

The Punjabi brother-in-law of mine was a divorcee and his first wife was a Chinese. The daughter (my step-niece) looked very much Punjabi (like the father) with very little resemblance to the mum. Perhaps the only feature she inherited was her fair skin. Yes, I met the mum. Typically Chinese looking me lah!

Being involved in a sea-sports business in Penang with this Melayu guy, they fell in love and decided to tie the knot. Now she is a Muslim and had acquired a Malay name. Apparently they had fought like Tom & Jerry, cats & dogs initially...well.....opposites attract!

The wedding dinner was held in a 5 star restaurant in Shah Alam. It was a buffet dinner with chicken curry (my son's favorite dish) sotong with onions (my favorite dish), dhall & potatoes, mutton dish, pasembur (Penang dish), salads and all kinds of desserts. Although the selection was rather limited it was really the thought that counts.

And yes...I was surprised to see the Melayu couple pouring champagne on the stacked up champagne glasses just like in a Chinese wedding! I have attended Malay weddings but rarely one held in a hotel and in a Chinese restaurant too.

I was also surprised to see a Malay lady wearing a cheong sam!

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