Thursday, January 3, 2013

Water failure

I can't remember when was the last time there was a water failure at the condo.

So you can imagine my surprise when Tim text me to shower in the office before coming home. Thank God for the gym in my office that came equipped with decent shower facilities. I was able to wash my hair and take my bath before coming home.

Water disruption causes great inconvenience:

  • the toilets won't flush
  • the clothes can't be washed
  • drinking water has to be rationed
  • plates can't be washed (water disruption is bad for recycling as we had to use styrofoam)
  • trips have to be made to the Bomba to get water (yes, dire situation calls for dire action and the residents of my condo have resorted to taking water from the Bomba downstairs - what to do. The Bomba downstairs consist of a big coil of black hose encased in a red box. It is meant to be used in the event of a fire. I am praying very hard that there won't be a fire in the next few days before the water is restored)
  • trips have to be made to the pool to take water (I just took some water from the swimming pool to flush the toilets. I had no choice even though there was a warning that chlorine had just been added. Eh....wonder why my skin is feeling itchy and irritated all of a sudden....)
I called Syabas the water authority and they said that they were repairing the pumps. Looking at their website I realized that it will take another 5 days for the water pressure to be fully restored. In the meantime, it looks like I will have to pack my clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste to my office this morning for my morning shower.

Its 2 am and I can't sleep especially after doing exercise walking up and down the staircase taking water in my small pails from the Bomba. 

Amanda is having her exams so I am keeping her company. Samuel is busy with his hamsters and his wrestling show.....Yawn.....

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