Saturday, May 20, 2017

May 7 2017 Day 7

This is our last day in Hokkaido and we made our way to Furano a town famous for lavenders. As it was not the season for lavenders, the famous Farm Tomita was quiet and there were no visitors. 

During Autumn rows and rows of colored lavenders ideal for photo taking were planted and the place would be packed with holiday makers. We only found  shop selling lavender soaps, fragrance, eye mask and all things made of lavender!

We decided to visit a few places in Furano:

1. Furano Marche or Market where we had our lunch
2. Furano Cheese Factory - we sampled all kinds of cheeses at this factory
3. Furano Winery - we sampled all kinds of wine and visited the wine cellar

We also visited Noboribetsu, a place that's akin to hell valley. It became famous for the namesake because of the desolate landscape - eerie and haunting the landscape loomed up before our face. We saw brown and barren mountain sides with fissures scattered here and there from which arise steam from the ground.

It's called hell valley because it looked the hell. I wonder how people know what hell looked like for them to be able to name this place after it. 

The town of Noboribetsu had a huge statute of the devil looming at its entrance. I was not comfortable entering into the town. Other than the hell valley attractions, we visited Ninja Village, a Ninja themed park.

We also waited till nightfall to view the beautiful Ningle Terrace, traditional small wooden shops linked by wooden pathways selling art and craft stuff. At night, lamps lighted up the shops and the whole Terrace become a photographers paradise!

We ended the night at Makiko's place the only Airbnb that was like a home. Makiko set aside a room to rent out to tourists. The outstanding thing about this place was that M was a Christian! Her house was just opposite her church, the Green Chapel!

She also kept 3 big fat cats that have the run of her house! 

M served us a wonderful breakfast of bread, eggs, tomatoes, sausages, coffee and tea. It was the best breakfast that we had so far.

What a great way to end our holiday! Farewell Hokkaido, you will always be in our hearts!

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