Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 4 2017 Day 5

In the morning, we made the move to Curb Market to shop and have our brunch. We were sad to leave Hayashi's beautiful house which looked like a perpetual Christmas house with its Christmas tree and snowman outside.

A suggested that we go to Curb Market for lunch. I bought sotong and small crabs for friends back home. I love to browse for stuff at the market as you would have ample opportunities to try all the unique gooey Japanese knick knacks some of which I do not really know what they are made of!

In fact you could sample and sample and be quite full as a result of the sampling!

The sotong is really genuine, smelly and fishy, the were really good tasty stuff. I love sotong especially with all kinds of flavoring!

For brunch we had crab soup, steamed fish, sashimi, rice and fish roe, seaweed soup. By far our most expensive meal.

After Curb Market, we went to the Hokkaido Beer Museum. As I am not to keen on beers, I opted to go for tea latte at a nearby supermarket, Ario. Is at down and Starbucks and drank green tea latte. Delicious. I discovered google translate and used it to ask for directions to a pharmacy. T and A joined me later for another round of tea latte!

We later went to Sapporo Art Park. I opted not to move around as the terrain was really unfriendly to my osteo knees. I managed only to see some sculptures. It is an open air Art Park with many interesting and unique sculptures. At about 5 pm (closing time) we had to leave without finishing looking at all the sculptures!

We then drove to Moiwayama another beautiful mountain in Japan. We had to take 2 trains to go to the top. The first train was a bigger train and the second train a smaller train. The trains were packed. Our plans to take dinner and enjoy the view did not materialize as the restaurant at the peak was booked for a private function.

But Moiwayama (voted one of Japan's top 3 mountain views) was stunning and did not disappoint at all. Although it was extremely cold, many people braved the cold to wait for the sun to set. When the sky was dark all of Sapporo lighted up before us. Just so so beautiful sight!  For sure no such sight in Malaysia!

Rushing to go home, we thought we could beat the queue by taking a lift down to the ground floor. To our amazement the human queue snaked down from the place where we had a fantastic view, the 3rd floor. Sheepishly we had to make our way up again and lined up obediently for the next one hour. This is self-discipline in Japan! No cutting queue!

We finally made it to Miwa's house. We were to stay 2 nights there to visit the scenes and sights of Sapporo. A very small apartment with a very small toilet with practically nowhere to put up our clothes, we were gripping that the radiator was hot, the clothes rack was insufficient and the bed was flat!

End of day 5.

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