Sunday, October 30, 2016

Selong Belanak, Kuta beach and Tanjung Aan

It was the last day of our wonderful holiday at Lombok.

I had banana pancake for breakfast but could not finish it. By far not the best breakfast as the pancake was tasteless although the bananas were good.

Pak E took us luggage and all to Selong Belanak where the girls wanted to go for surfing lessons. All in it would cost us 500k per taxi for 4 people including a whole day charter to the airport.

Took us about 1 hour plus to reach this beautiful beach enclave. Today we saw a group of buffalos being herded across the beach - truly picture worthy. The same kind of relaxing and peaceful feeling washed over me while at this beach.

The girls negotiated 300k for an hour of surfing lessons. I had a lovely roast jagung on the beach.

Meantime T managed to talk Pak E into driving him to Kuta beach and Tanjung Aan. After an hour of talking and talking, Pak E agreed. I also went along.

Easily the most beautiful beach in the world. This waters on this beach is a  brilliant azure blue. It was so electrifying that I had to kept a distance to admire its beauty. However when I look at some pictures of the place I realized that most of them did not look as blue as I saw the waters that day.

Perhaps the day I was there it was so unusually blue, it was surreal. So few people were swimming. There were at least 3 ladies trying to sell me some materials. So hard trying to keep ignoring them.

I was glad there were no vendors at Selong Belanak. Apparently no vendors are allowed as Selong Belanak is a place to thoroughly relaxed. More like a ruling imposed to keep the Westerners coming.

Next we went to Kuta beach, not as beautiful as Tanjung Aan but still sandy and white beach were so soft to walk on.

Finally Pak E took us back to Selong Belanak. The girls asked to go to Ashtari for lunch (we were not too happy to eat with the flies swarming on our food).

Ashtari is a high-class restaurant built by a French owner. Yoga classes are held at the basement facing the ocean and mountains. Ashtari beautiful balconies gave us a wonderful view of the mountains and the sea.

The girls ordered chips and focaccia sandwich. T and I had soto ayam. Good food and good scenery.

 We ended the holidays so satisfied and happy.

Lombok is definitely a gem of an island but I am not sure that I will return again....

Thanks A for blessing mum and dad with the wonderful hotel stay. God bless you!

The plane ride back home was uneventful as the weather was superbly clear!

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