Saturday, October 29, 2016

Monday at Lombok

I opted for a tour of the pottery and weaving factories in Lombok. Turned out to be too commercialized. We spent about half an hour at the pottery factory but did not see much of pottery making save for many finished products put out to sale.

We then made our way to the weaving factory. Elderly ladies sit for 8 hours a day earning 15k rupiah to weave beautiful materials using colorful threads. I really could not buy anything as I did not know what to with the materials. Gave the young man about 10 k rupiah for showing us around.

Still with time to spare we visited the Selong Belanak beach. This beautiful beach does not have seem to have an outstanding entrance but once we entered the enclave we saw a stunning bay with emerald green waters and gentle waves. In a half moon circular shape, cabanas were placed all over the beach. Many foreigners wait for the waves to surf. Out in the sea, we saw mountains jutting out. It was really one of the loveliest beaches I have ever been to. We had our lunch there although there were lots of flies sharing our lunch. I had roast chicken with maggi noodles while T had noodles and eggs. It rained and we stayed there for a while.  I had to pay 5k to use the toilet but I guess if I was signed up to surf, the usage would be free.

After the rain we left for the Sasak village in Lombok. The nicest places was the visit to the Sasak village. This is just not a display but an actual village of 800 of the Sasak people, a Lombok orang asal tribe. The guide could speak good English showed us around the houses. Closed together with narrow paths between them, we were able to immerse ourselves in the Sasak culture.

The orang Sasak do not have engagements but they kidnap their wives. To be engaged is an affront to their elders. If they want to marry a girl they kidnap her. Girls as young as 15 are kidnapped by their cousins and married off. Bride price is about 200k. Outsiders have to give 2 buffalos for the bride price.

Once married, they stay in a small house for their honeymoon period. Later they will build a Sasak traditional house with more space for their bride. All the internal structure of the Sasak house look the same. However there appears to be a space for women to give birth (not hospitals). The local midwife attend to the birthing.

What a quaint culture but really fascinating. We bought a bag, a t-shirt and a piece of beautifully woven Sasak cloth. The quality of it is unmistakable.

Pak E took us to Orchid near our Resort and we had another good massage. We had dinner at Happy Cafe.

The girls went their separate way the whole day hiking and also went up to the mountains for a good view of Lombok at night at a hillside cafe.

A great day but sadly my Samsung S7 still refused to charge.....praying...praying....

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