Friday, October 28, 2016

Lombok - October 22 - 25 - Saturday @ Mama Bella

Praise God for our eldest daughter. She offered to pay for our lodging in Lombok for our annual family holidays so we took up the offer!
 As a family we would normally plan a family holiday together to chill and hang out together.

We took off in the morning to a bumpy ride in the air (bad weather). T & I was praying all the way. Our experience of air turbulence whilst flying from Bario will forever be etched in our memory. It was so bad that people were screaming and we were shouting JESUS all the way - that flight would be difficult to forget.

We landed safely and met a really nice taxi driver at the airport named Pak Eman who told us about ayam taliwang (kampung chicken), beef and delicious beef soup. We agreed and made our first stop at the shop recommended by Pak E. A lovely lunch which cost us about 35k rupiah for the four of us! We also bought a packet of beef skin crackers and some fish crackers. Delicious.

We also made appointment with Pak E to fetch us around Lombok on Monday morning as he was really friendly and helpful.

Another 30 minutes and we were at Mama Bella, our lodging at Lombok for the next 4 days. It was a lovely place with about 8 chalets built in a squarish L-shape with a lovely swimming pool (the color of blue in the middle). Hammocks, cushion seats, cabanas, a small dining open air place blended into the picture. 

We felt at home immediately. 

Mama Bella is owned by an Italian lady who named it after her mother. She came to Lombok, loved it, bought the land and developed the place as an iconic boutique residence.

My only grouse is that it was rather deep inside and the stoney patch leading to the residence did not help my arthritis knees.

My daughter told us that Mama Bella has received rave reviews. That's why she chose it. 

So many guests and the place was full.

Well for RM800 for a 4 day 3 night stay for 4 people, I certainly agree! Breakfast thrown in to boot makes the deal absolutely worth it!

The rest of the evening was spent at a nearby beach about 10 minutes away. T bought a fridge magnet from one of the vendors hawking their wares on their hands - shawls, scarfs, bangles, magnets. Amazing what kind of things they can carry with them on two hands when hawking.

We ended our first night with a take-out dinner from one of the nearby cafe from which we would continue ordering food for the next night too!

Looking forward to a great holiday in Lombok! Thanks to my lovely daughters for making this holiday possible for us. We love you!

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