Sunday, October 30, 2016

Selong Belanak, Kuta beach and Tanjung Aan

It was the last day of our wonderful holiday at Lombok.

I had banana pancake for breakfast but could not finish it. By far not the best breakfast as the pancake was tasteless although the bananas were good.

Pak E took us luggage and all to Selong Belanak where the girls wanted to go for surfing lessons. All in it would cost us 500k per taxi for 4 people including a whole day charter to the airport.

Took us about 1 hour plus to reach this beautiful beach enclave. Today we saw a group of buffalos being herded across the beach - truly picture worthy. The same kind of relaxing and peaceful feeling washed over me while at this beach.

The girls negotiated 300k for an hour of surfing lessons. I had a lovely roast jagung on the beach.

Meantime T managed to talk Pak E into driving him to Kuta beach and Tanjung Aan. After an hour of talking and talking, Pak E agreed. I also went along.

Easily the most beautiful beach in the world. This waters on this beach is a  brilliant azure blue. It was so electrifying that I had to kept a distance to admire its beauty. However when I look at some pictures of the place I realized that most of them did not look as blue as I saw the waters that day.

Perhaps the day I was there it was so unusually blue, it was surreal. So few people were swimming. There were at least 3 ladies trying to sell me some materials. So hard trying to keep ignoring them.

I was glad there were no vendors at Selong Belanak. Apparently no vendors are allowed as Selong Belanak is a place to thoroughly relaxed. More like a ruling imposed to keep the Westerners coming.

Next we went to Kuta beach, not as beautiful as Tanjung Aan but still sandy and white beach were so soft to walk on.

Finally Pak E took us back to Selong Belanak. The girls asked to go to Ashtari for lunch (we were not too happy to eat with the flies swarming on our food).

Ashtari is a high-class restaurant built by a French owner. Yoga classes are held at the basement facing the ocean and mountains. Ashtari beautiful balconies gave us a wonderful view of the mountains and the sea.

The girls ordered chips and focaccia sandwich. T and I had soto ayam. Good food and good scenery.

 We ended the holidays so satisfied and happy.

Lombok is definitely a gem of an island but I am not sure that I will return again....

Thanks A for blessing mum and dad with the wonderful hotel stay. God bless you!

The plane ride back home was uneventful as the weather was superbly clear!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Monday at Lombok

I opted for a tour of the pottery and weaving factories in Lombok. Turned out to be too commercialized. We spent about half an hour at the pottery factory but did not see much of pottery making save for many finished products put out to sale.

We then made our way to the weaving factory. Elderly ladies sit for 8 hours a day earning 15k rupiah to weave beautiful materials using colorful threads. I really could not buy anything as I did not know what to with the materials. Gave the young man about 10 k rupiah for showing us around.

Still with time to spare we visited the Selong Belanak beach. This beautiful beach does not have seem to have an outstanding entrance but once we entered the enclave we saw a stunning bay with emerald green waters and gentle waves. In a half moon circular shape, cabanas were placed all over the beach. Many foreigners wait for the waves to surf. Out in the sea, we saw mountains jutting out. It was really one of the loveliest beaches I have ever been to. We had our lunch there although there were lots of flies sharing our lunch. I had roast chicken with maggi noodles while T had noodles and eggs. It rained and we stayed there for a while.  I had to pay 5k to use the toilet but I guess if I was signed up to surf, the usage would be free.

After the rain we left for the Sasak village in Lombok. The nicest places was the visit to the Sasak village. This is just not a display but an actual village of 800 of the Sasak people, a Lombok orang asal tribe. The guide could speak good English showed us around the houses. Closed together with narrow paths between them, we were able to immerse ourselves in the Sasak culture.

The orang Sasak do not have engagements but they kidnap their wives. To be engaged is an affront to their elders. If they want to marry a girl they kidnap her. Girls as young as 15 are kidnapped by their cousins and married off. Bride price is about 200k. Outsiders have to give 2 buffalos for the bride price.

Once married, they stay in a small house for their honeymoon period. Later they will build a Sasak traditional house with more space for their bride. All the internal structure of the Sasak house look the same. However there appears to be a space for women to give birth (not hospitals). The local midwife attend to the birthing.

What a quaint culture but really fascinating. We bought a bag, a t-shirt and a piece of beautifully woven Sasak cloth. The quality of it is unmistakable.

Pak E took us to Orchid near our Resort and we had another good massage. We had dinner at Happy Cafe.

The girls went their separate way the whole day hiking and also went up to the mountains for a good view of Lombok at night at a hillside cafe.

A great day but sadly my Samsung S7 still refused to charge.....praying...praying....

Gili islands

2nd day at Lombok and its a Sunday.

Almost felt like just going to church and Mataram Mall (biggest mall in Mataram, capital of Lombok) but decided to hang out and chill with family to the Gili islands. Although predominantly Muslim, Pak E told us that there are churches and temples and all religions can be worshipped freely on the island.

Coming back to the boat trip, it was priced at 850k rupiah (about RM65) for 4 on a private boat thus it is a steal and a bargain. 

Breakfast was lovely poached eggs and bread at Mama Bella and orange juice before the outing. There were also omelette, fried eggs, fruits and pancakes...

As for the boat trip, we certainly we did not expect a big boat or ferry but I was a bit disappointed as there were no drinking water or towels on board or even sea-sick pills. Now I know why it is so cheap. A boat ride in Phuket would have cost RM200 per person but with a lot more frills thrown in. And the boat to Phuket felt safer....although T assured me that the 2 sides of the boats with huge 'legs' kept the speedboat stable.

It was a private boat but I must admit that I got a bit scared. Firstly - I thought of pirates roaming the seas and coming to kidnap us - I prayed really hard against that.

Secondly - it rained heavily on the way to Gili and we were soaking wet. The waves were rough and tumble and I had on my life jacket. Although the family assured me that the boat would not overturn....I decided that it was better be safe than sorry as I could not swim.

One hour plus and the boatman's 10 minutes became like 30 minutes (I realized that this is how the locals estimate time as most do not wear a watch). The sea-sickness, tossing and turning made me sick. However lying down on the side of the open air boat helped relieved me of being sea-sick!

Finally Gili...but what I feared came to pass. I could not possibly jump from the boat to the beach as I had on my braces due to my knee pain. I spied a wooden ladder in the boat and asked the boatman to latch it to the side of the boat. Really wondered why he did not offer it to me in the first place? That was how I got off and on the boat with a wooden ladder but I could not avoid getting the feet wet. Thankfully the braces were intact.

Gili Trawangan is the biggest of the Gili islands. It has a main street with horse carts fetching tourists (so many white tourists that for a moment I thought I was in Australia or somewhere in Europe) and many shops selling tourist stuff. According to a young man manning a 1 million rupiah a night private villa, the local folks stay interland and there are more houses, schools and roads but all make use of motorbikes or horse carts to move around.

I bought a sunglass and an XL swimsuit from Billabong (the big size swimsuit is certainly not available in the shops I have been to in Malaysia or could it be that I do not have the time to shop back home). We opted to have lunch at Gili Meno (which I called Gili 2). Gili Trawangan is the biggest followed by Gili Meno and Gili Air.

The children saw a big turtle swimming underwater. He just could not be bothered with them.

Only mode of transport on Gili islands

Main street - many places party till dawn

According to the boatman, there are parties every night on Gili 1 (Gili Trawangan). Yes, I could smell the smell of cigarettes and wines and see the open bars with huge screens. Truly a party place for partying till dawn.

At Gili 2, we had a good lunch of bbq fish and curry creamy tofu and tempe. Sadly the bbq fish came raw inside but the nice waiters brought us a replacement dish. A had a lovely noodle soup for lunch and the other daughter had burgers and chips. No flies swarm the place.

We saw many tourists chilling out on cabanas. Hawkers were everywhere but you cannot blame us for not helping the industry as A bought a beautiful scarf from one of them. Remember to bargain though....

At Gili 2, the children and T went snorkelling. I tested my Samsung S7 and put it underwater using the selfie stick. Took some beautiful pictures of corals but my phone was wet. Would it be able to function after I have taken the pictures? Sadly it could not charge using the USB port when I got back to the resort. I borrowed a hair-dryer to dry, it still did not work. My staff asked me to let it rest a day or two so I switched it off as I was losing battery power.....I must complain to Samsung on this.

I just stayed on board and admired the corals. Waters were so clear and I could see right through it but quaintly no fishes....
We also went to Gili 3 and snorkel some more. Me....I stayed on board the safety of the boat and admired the pristine waters and the lovely corals. 

Got back to Lombok about 5 in the evening and went to Hallo massage. For 75k we had a one hour full body massage. The knee pain left me right after that. Hallelujah.

We took a horse cart back to Mama Bella and had take-out again from the same cafe. I just wondered whether they have other kind of noodles than maggi noodles....really miss Malaysian food...even the satay sauce here tastes different having being made with peanut butter! Really miss my teh tarik and assam laksa.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Lombok - October 22 - 25 - Saturday @ Mama Bella

Praise God for our eldest daughter. She offered to pay for our lodging in Lombok for our annual family holidays so we took up the offer!
 As a family we would normally plan a family holiday together to chill and hang out together.

We took off in the morning to a bumpy ride in the air (bad weather). T & I was praying all the way. Our experience of air turbulence whilst flying from Bario will forever be etched in our memory. It was so bad that people were screaming and we were shouting JESUS all the way - that flight would be difficult to forget.

We landed safely and met a really nice taxi driver at the airport named Pak Eman who told us about ayam taliwang (kampung chicken), beef and delicious beef soup. We agreed and made our first stop at the shop recommended by Pak E. A lovely lunch which cost us about 35k rupiah for the four of us! We also bought a packet of beef skin crackers and some fish crackers. Delicious.

We also made appointment with Pak E to fetch us around Lombok on Monday morning as he was really friendly and helpful.

Another 30 minutes and we were at Mama Bella, our lodging at Lombok for the next 4 days. It was a lovely place with about 8 chalets built in a squarish L-shape with a lovely swimming pool (the color of blue in the middle). Hammocks, cushion seats, cabanas, a small dining open air place blended into the picture. 

We felt at home immediately. 

Mama Bella is owned by an Italian lady who named it after her mother. She came to Lombok, loved it, bought the land and developed the place as an iconic boutique residence.

My only grouse is that it was rather deep inside and the stoney patch leading to the residence did not help my arthritis knees.

My daughter told us that Mama Bella has received rave reviews. That's why she chose it. 

So many guests and the place was full.

Well for RM800 for a 4 day 3 night stay for 4 people, I certainly agree! Breakfast thrown in to boot makes the deal absolutely worth it!

The rest of the evening was spent at a nearby beach about 10 minutes away. T bought a fridge magnet from one of the vendors hawking their wares on their hands - shawls, scarfs, bangles, magnets. Amazing what kind of things they can carry with them on two hands when hawking.

We ended our first night with a take-out dinner from one of the nearby cafe from which we would continue ordering food for the next night too!

Looking forward to a great holiday in Lombok! Thanks to my lovely daughters for making this holiday possible for us. We love you!