Sunday, May 1, 2016

Taiwan - Yehliu Geological Park

Another fascinating tourist attraction is the Yehliu Geological Park....

The famous Queen's head is only found in 2 places in the world and one of them is in the Yehliu Geological Park.

It is a natural rock formation that was formed as a result of the weather and the seawater coming up to land eroding and washing over the earth after many many years. Soon quaint rock sculptures with shapes and stories of their own were formed over the years. They look so sentinel and surreal from far.

From far they looked like mushroom-shaped rocks but if you look closer you will realize that each of these rocks have definite designs that were unique to them....nature is the best sculptor.

When going into the Yehliu Park, one has to be very careful especially when it came to posing with the rock formations. Henry told us that in the past some eager tourists hoping to get best shots would stand really close to the edge of the sea (there is no wall that separate the park from the rough seas) and be washed away by the thundering ocean...we were warned to keep a safe distance away when taking photos.

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