Sunday, May 1, 2016

Fengxia night market

Claimed to be the largest night market in Taiwan, Fengxia night market was established in 1963. Its location is near the Fengxia University. At weekends the place will be teeming packed with students and parents....

This place is just teeming with all kinds of Taiwan street food, the likes of which we will never get in Malaysia...the smells, the sights, the taste of the food all bring us to the uniquely Taiwan experience...

The variety of sausages, fried cuttlefish, fishball, chicken balls, innards, fish, meat balls are just mind-boggling....

The food sold is uniquely Taiwan...the bubble tea is simply yummy, the fried nuggets just scrumptious...

Fengxia entrance

Vendors call out to you to try their unique much variety...

Stinky taufoo...I just love it....actually it was not as stinking as it should be...pop it in the mouth...

Gigantic fried squids, prawns, crabs...
It was at Fengxia that the father got 'lost'. The instructions were for us to wait opposite Watsons. However the father waited at Watsons. 

Slowly the tour group members returned from their shopping but we were wondering where the father was. After waiting almost 20 minutes, I started praying for his safe return. I tried calling him but could not get connected as he was using a different service provider that was not recognised in Taiwan....

Somehow he saw us opposite the road and came over. God is good!

A found some very nice stuff at this night market. I found some striped casual pants that I could wear without looking frumpy. Only about RM20 per pants....

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