Sunday, April 24, 2016

Just Sleep & Mioali Flying Cow Ranch

Small but neat and clean...breakfast is delicious with porridge, salads and Taiwanese it!

So unique is this hotel called Just this room for e.g. there are some mathematical equations written in something like permanent chalk on the walls....makes me feel like I was Einstein or something.....
Taiwan is an interesting place. I can only describe it as a cross between Hong Kong and China. I love the hotels especially the quaint boutique hotels known as Just Sleep. When Henry our tour guide told us the name, I thought he was joking!

I love Taiwan for its night market, the beautiful rough seas, the Geo park, Taiwan 101, the shopping, the street food and Sun Moon Lake!

My all time favorite must the the one night stay at the Flying Cow Ranch at Miaoli. The farm hotel was rustic yet comfortable. The bed was soft and downy and the the room look like home with its wooden floors and clean white sheets. However it was not a place to be cooped up in the room. There were lots of fun things to do here. 

The dinner was unique. How many of you have eaten steamboat with its soup base as cow's milk? Yes, Miaoli is a cow farm and what else do they serve with the steamboat ingredients but cow's milk!

The fun thing about this place was also the activities that they had planned for us.

Our tour group took part in a night activity. We were given a soft pencil case made of canvas and stickers of animals. The artwork was to glue the pictures onto the white canvas. It looked easy but when our stickers refused to stick it became rather frustrating for us to figure out what went wrong.

However it was all in good fun - even if some of us ended up with animal pictures that didn't quite stick!

We had a very restful sleep in the farm. Breakfast was in a small but charming farmhouse with farm fresh food. We had eggs, porridge, salads, fruits and vegetables that fresh and organic.

We felt sad to say goodbye to Miaoli because there were so many parts of this farm that were just begging to be explored. From our bus we could see an expanse of green rolling field that seem to go on forever.... 

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