Friday, April 18, 2014


I will just take a break to share about an RAK (random act of kindness) which I did this morning.

After prayer in church, I decided to go to my usual place for teh si. An elderly lady came and sat with me. She said that she was staying in the Old Folks Home nearby (near the Ampang temple). She had cycled from the Home to the restaurant for her morning coffee.

I did something I had never done before. I paid for her coffee, a random act of kindness - RAK! We chatted and I found out that she was about 75 years and unmarried. Her mother died when she was 3. She said that she had to take care of her sister's family and she did not think much about her future. She was not down or sad, she looked normal. She had been staying at the Home for 7 months and enjoyed it there. She said that she ate 4 meals a day. If she does not like the meals then she will go out to eat her breakfast. I shared with her about my children. I said that they are good children because of their Christian background.

We talked and I invited her to church for Easter with my broken Cantonese....

How do I feel? I feel good that I can do a random act of kindness this Easter weekend. May God have mercy on her soul.

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