Saturday, July 21, 2012

Australian visa

It was over a meal of crabs with Pastor S and wife at Hau Kee that I suddenly blurted out the question:
"Do we need a visa to go to Australia?"

Imagine how stunned we were when Pastor S replied, "Yes, you do."

I never imagined that a visa was needed for a trip to Australia. This was because when Tim and I booked the tickets online there was no pop-up message on the Airasia website that a visa was needed. I became queasy in the stomach and could not enjoy the meal of fish, vegetables, taufoo, salted egg crabs and marmite prawns.

2 weeks to go and we had no visa in hand! I can imagine my family and I stuck in the Gold Coast airport unable to get clearance to enter Australia because we had no visa!

How could we have overlooked this? "That's because most of the time the tour agents apply the visa for you" came the comment from Pastor S.

We hurriedly refused the offer for durians after the meal and rushed home to access the Australian High Comm website. What documents do we need? How much do we have to pay? Do we need photos? How long will they take to process 4 visas?

We really prayed for help otherwise that's RM7,700 being airfares down the drain.

God answered our prayers! We could apply for the visa online and it only cost us AUD 20! Guess what approval was on the spot! And the amazing thing was the application had to make at least 14 days before the date of travel. At the date of the online application we were exactly 14 days away.....!

Thank you Jesus. Thank you Pastor S & SH. Thank you Pastor K and CN for praying for us.

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