Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rolls Royce is not confirming me


Latest updates from my daughter. Call me biased but I support her comments. I know that where I work my boss is particular about me attending meetings without any purpose or agenda. She baulks at meetings that are unnecessary and time consuming. She prefers meetings with fixed agendas and purpose-accomplishing...otherwise better not meet at all!

"Just some updates:

(i) RR have chosen not to make me an offer. Reason being that they feel I am too quiet, shy and timid and will be a pushover in negotiations and in the company. I don't fit the mould of the ideal intern. I don't ask enough questions ( I did ask a lot but not enough apparently), and I didn't make enough comments in the meeting. All this while, I thought it was respectful to be quiet in meetings.

- Being in RR has made me realise the differences in culture between East and West. It's good to be quiet in the East. It shows respect. 'Diam diam ubi berisi' right? In the West, they like their people to be more talkative. Actually, I feel that all this talk just lessens productivity. Why are they talking so much? It doesn't actually achieve anything. Just go and do your jobs! Ask a question only when you have to. No wonder Asian countries are powering ahead. Seriously, so much time is wasted because people ask a lot of unnecessary questions and make comments that don't increase productivity. Also I realised that in a big corporation like RR, A LOT of time is wasted in meetings trying to 'improve process'.

-However, I wonder whether my quietness will be a problem for me in a legal career. I have been very quiet. But only because I don't like to talk nonsense. Also, I feel like I have to know something fairly well before I start to talk about it.

(ii) I hate cutthroat backbiting and office politics.

-I've had to work with some very competitive interns. Some have been quite bossy, shooting your ideas down in the meeting room but talking about them in the presentation as if it was their idea.

(iii) I'd be glad when this is over. 

-I've had enough of the politicking and dealing with people who don't listen to you.

(iv) I hope there will be less politicking in Malaysia.

-Hope but don't dare to dream.

(v) I am good at what I do. I am not so good at playing the office game.

-Like I said, don't like politicking"

RR's loss, Malaysia's gain!

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