Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gold Coast here we come!

Well she did it again with God's help!

I am talking about my youngest daughter. Her second term exams showed sterling results (better than her first term).

She studied hard because she did not want to repeat her papers. Repeat would mean having to re-sit them in August and missing the family holiday in Gold Coast, Australia. Yup...this year we will be visiting Pastor Sim and Siew Yong in August and we had all our tickets booked already.

Mummy decided that we have had enough of ships and cruises...and casinos and on-board parties! Let us do something wholesome and outdoorsy as a family. Flying to Australia would also fulfil our children's dream of taking a plane. Except for a short flight to Langkawi our youngest two have not flown anywhere.

Ai Ai worked very hard to qualify for the holidays and also a big angpow from mummy (of course). She deserved it with a CPGA of 3.67 or so.

She was brimming with happiness the day she got her results.

However what was exceptionally touching was a testimony she shared with us concerning how God woke her up during one of her exam days. She said that she had overslept and for some reason did not hear the alarm. In a dream-like state, she heard the God said to her "Don't you think you have slept enough?"

Suddenly she was jolted awake and realized that she had only one hour before the exam started! God was truly really gracious to her.

We learned something from Amanda's sharing....God does hear our prayers for our children especially the prayers we pray everyday for them to do well in their studies!

Gold Coast, we come...!

More news to share later....

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