Friday, May 24, 2013

Tim's birthday at Istana Hotel

Family photo taken at Istana Hotel celebrating Tim's birthday. All of us enjoyed the meal. Joseph was with us but he did not eat much. He loved the ice-cream and chocolate fountain.  Joseph is Amanda's handsome beau and doctor to be.

From left to right:

Amanda (tall, slim and stunning with model-like looks. She says that she does not look like any of her parents. However I beg to differ. She looks like me when I was young (yours truly lah....who else!)  Born in Sept, she is like God's perfect gift for us as she was born a week after our wedding anniversary.

Adeline (she is the eldest but the smallest. I mean who wears size 4 for her shoes?) When shopping in England, we have to ask for child-size shoes! She has jet black ebony hair and lovely creamy porcelain skin. Surely the smartest of all our children being a straight A-student in all her major public exams. Adeline says she looks like her mummy. I think so too. However her big eyes surely did not come from me. Most likely her dad. Born in April which is the same month as her father, the belief is that she is God's gift to her dad who loves children so much.

Samuel (handsome, fair and unattached). Quiet and shy, he loves small animals like hamsters. He also loves little children or rather children has a natural affinity with him. He seems to be weakest of all our children in his studies. Praying hard for him to prosper in this area. Currently unattached, we are praying for a godly girlfriend for him. Born in August, mummy strongly believes that he is God's gift to her as she prayed hard for a son. Thus she named him Samuel meaning "Ask of God"

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