Friday, May 24, 2013

Mother's Day Message


M= Many roles, many responsibilities.

A mother is a cleaner, laundry-worker, cook, driver, friend, and counselor. She has many responsibilities in the family. How busy is a mother! From morning till late night, she is very busy around the house. Imagine if your mother was not around to the things she usually do for you. What your clothes be washed? Would your shirt be ironed? Would your meals be ready on the table? Imagine also if she is a working mother. She would have to do all the housework after work and go to bed after 12 am every day. What must you do to make your mother’s job easier? Help her!

She is also holding many roles, wearing many hats. She is your father’s wife, your grandmother’s daughter, your uncle’s sister, 
your auntie’s sister. She is to you your mother too! Some mothers are also somebody’s employee or somebody’s boss. Wow…she is really very busy! Take time to say thank you to her. Buy her a gift for Mother's Day. Take her out for a meal. Offer to help out in the housework. What do you think your mother would really like for Mother's Day?

O = One and only

We only have one mother in our lifetime. We can have god-mothers, mothers-in-law, adopted mothers and step-mothers but we can only have one mother who gave birth to us. So treat her well while she is alive.

I use to see children crying at the funeral of their mother. Will their mother see their tears now that she is gone? What do you think matters most to her? Your love and obedience while she was alive or your tears when she is gone? I always tell my brother, give money to mother when she is in need of it for when she is dead no amount of money in the world will bring her back to you.

T  = Tender

When your father is shouting and scolding and maybe threatening to hit you or asking you to get out of the house, your mother’s heart is always tender towards you.

The story is told in the Bible about King Solomon, the wisest man on earth. There is no such man as wise as Solomon since his time because one night in a dream God appeared to him and asked him what he wanted. He said he wanted wisdom to rule his country because he was young and he had a great nation of people to take care. God gave him his wish. Not only that because he asked for wisdom to rule a nation and not riches for himself, God decided to give him great wealth too!

One day 2 woman came to him with their babies. One mother held a dead baby and the other a live one. Both were prostitutes. Both were fighting over the baby that was alive.

The mothers told the king that the night before they had given birth to babies at the same time but one of them rolled over her baby and the baby died. So to which mother belongs the baby that was alive? Both were fighting to claim the baby. Suddenly the wise king asked to bring a sword. He said “Cut the baby into 2 and gave one half to each of the mothers!”

Immediately the real mother cried “No O king! give him to the other woman. Don’t let him die” At the moment King Solomon knew who the real mother was. How wise was the wisest king on earth!

What can we learn from this story? Truly the heart of a mother  is one that is absolutely tender, true and sacrificial.

H = Heart

Have you heard about the mother who protected her daughter from robbers so that she could run away to save herself? The mother who asked her daughter to run while fighting off the robbers was herself stabbed to death. How can we describe a mother’s heart? She will give all of herself, even her own life, to save her family members. 

Have you heard of Angelina Jolie who decided to have her breasts removed due to an 80% chance of getting breast cancer when she did not have it yet? Angelina said that she did it so that she could live longer to see her children grow up and to see her grandchildren.

Another touching story is about a mother who protected her son during the Japan earthquake. Rescuers found a woman in a kneeling position, her hands supporting the beams of the collapsed building. Beneath her they found a basket and in the basket a 3 month old baby boy. Beside the baby a cell phone with the words "If you survive, you must know that I love you" The mother gave her life so that her baby boy would live instead of her!
How should we treat and honor such a woman? If you had kidney failure who do you think would offer her kidney to you? If you had leukemia, who do you think will donate her bone marrow to you? Even if you were in jail, who do you think would visit you? Who would raise funds to pay your bail? If you had done some bad things, who do you think will continue to pray for you and hope the best for you?

What about children who go missing from schools and homes? What do you think is the state of mind of a mother who had lost a child?

E = Eveready

Like the battery called Eveready, a mother is ever ready with all kinds of things to help you. Do you need a button sewed? Call your mother.
Except maybe you have to thread the needle for her. Do you need some medicine for your burns? Call your mother. She will know how to treat the wounds. Do you have questions requiring tough answers? Do you want to know about the birds and the bees? Ask your mother!

Your father will tell you when you have tough questions to ask him “Go and ask your mother”! Do you need help with homework? Ask mother. 

Now that my daughter is working she still calls me when she is facing problems in her work. I thank God that I can help her as both of us are in the same profession.

She is like a walking encyclopedia, a dictionary. Mothers of children with autism or hyperactivity or downs syndrome or speech problems will search everywhere to get the answers to her child’s problem. Some fathers walk away when a handicapped child is born but a mother stays to nourish and take care of her child. A mother will never forget her children.

 R = Role model and real

A mother is like a role model in her family. How many times do you realize that as you grow older you begin to talk like your mother, scold like your mother and nag like your mother? Unconsciously your behavior and how you treat people will be influenced by your mother.

 If your mother constantly do charitable works and give to others of her money and her resources, you will grow up to be giving like her. If your mother loves animals and treat them well, you will most likely keep pets in your home. If your mother is a high flyer, you will most likely follow in her footsteps. If your mother is hospitable and welcome people into the home, you will also do likewise.

If your mother is very clean, chances are you will also be very clean. If your mother likes to eat vegetables or is a vegetarian you will also like to eat vegetables.

No matter what you say now “I will not become like my mother” you will be surprised that one day you will do exactly like your mother and behave exactly like your mother! It is happening to me!

A mother is the only one person in the world you can be real with. Being real means being you without being somebody else. You may think that it is your friends, your boyfriend or your girlfriend but let me tell you there is no one who will accept you as you are but a mother. 

She gave birth to you, nursed you and brought you up. Cleaned your poop, shower you, gave you her breast-milk, spent sleepless nights taking care of you , accompanied you in hospitals, cried over you when you broke your leg or your arm, went with you on your first day in school, put cold towels on your head when you had raging fever…a mother truly cannot be replaced. 

She is as real as can be to you. Your boyfriends, girlfriends, teachers, relatives will never be able to do all the things your mother did for you. Believe me they will never replace your mother!

Treat her well, cherish her, love her, accompany her, befriend her, give her money, buy her gifts, treat her like a queen, honor her, bless her and obey her!

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