Friday, July 15, 2011

Invasion of the young people

Well, over the past months, our youngest daughter had her Uni friends stayed over at the house. At one time, I had to gingerly stepped over sleeping bodies all over my living room! There were young people sleeping on the floor, on the sofa, 3 to a bed in the bedrooms....I think if the kitchen floor had wood panelling, some of them might even sleep there too! Anyway, I was glad to get to know Amanda's friends. These bunch of boys and girls conversed mainly in Mandarin. Thanks to them my youngest daughter could speak Mandarin fluently. What we could not achieve with all the tuition teachers when she was young was achieved with her spending a year and a half at the University up north! God had given my youngest daughter a special grace to adapt and to pick up languages with ease.

Anyway, at least 2 young men and a young lady stayed for a slightly longer period than the others. One of them had started working in the No. 1 Japanese boutique, Uniclo and needed a place to stay. Being the kind hearted folks we were, we agreed to Amanda's proposal to let him stay for a nominal sum. The other stayed for about 2 weeks as he had was from Penang and needed a place to stay temporarily. Like Amanda, he had to repeat some foundation year papers at President College. The other girl opted to re-sit 4 papers. Many of my daughter's classmates did not get the required CGPA for dentistry or medicine but they were a determined lot. Re-sitting the papers in another college was the best option in order to ensure a place in the private medical universities for the courses they wanted!

Seeing them in the house, talking to them and watching them interact with each other made me recall the question I was asked during the supermum contest on board the Virgo "Do you think you could have been a better mum with more children?". I answered that its not the quantity but the quality that matters. But seriously looking at the young men and young women playing cards, cluedo, monopoly and badminton with each other, hearing their light and easy banter and seeing them giving Samuel other options of leisure rather than his computer....I really wonder....would it have been different for my son if he had a brother to play with?

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