Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hard Rock Hotel Singapore

Day 4 (Wednesday), whilst the children played chess with giant chess pieces on the 13th deck, Tim and I played several rounds of ping pong. Other than ping pong, there is a mini golf course, a small wall for climbing, a basketball court and a games room where we could borrow board games to play. After having a hearty lunch at the Pavillion, we checked out and said farewell to the lovely cruise staff on the Virgo and stepped off the beautiful ship....we will be back next year! O yes, I also bought the supermum video for keepsakes! Imagine being the 1st runner up of a beauty and talent contest at 51 years old!

The check out was dissapointing as we had to queue for almost an hour or more before leaving Harbour Front. We took a taxi to Resorts World Sentosa and checked into Hard Rock Hotel. This boutique hotel has black and purple as its theme color accentuated with bright white and orange lights. The concierge was really friendly and helpful giving us maps, umbrellas and MRT cards. The reception staff did not wear uniforms but dressed like they were on a night out!

The Hotel is dedicated to all things rock. Black and white pictures of rock stars adorn their walls from the foyer to the corridors to the rooms. The lifts had crystals covering the mirrors on the side panels giving the place a cosy and romantic feel. The rooms were huge - it could easily accomodate 4 persons. The beds were soft and Amanda says "I can fall asleep just putting my head on the pillow". The room chandelier was unique as it dropped down from the ceiling encased in a cylinder. As for the bathrooms the dressing mirrors looked like mirrors from the changing rooms of a theater or concert hall with round orange bulbs encircling its sides. Hard Rock Hotel had humonguous rooms, almost twice the size of my bedroom back home!

On the first night, we decided to watch the much acclaimed show "Voyage de la vie" at Resorts World. The performances comprised unique chereography, lavish period costumes, singing interspersed with acrobatic acts never seen before by us and a story-line. We saw world class trapeze artists, motorcycle riders weaving up and down cylindrical globes, a William Tell-like archery demonstration, rope acrobats, a juggler whose little balls literally flowed out of his fingers, a comedic illusionist and his team which did a stunning illusion right in front of our eyes...and many more! In Amanda's words "This is the best show I have seen. It made the Virgo shows seems so 'chapalang' (slang for low class)" - sorry Harold Q, no hard feelings!

The illusionist deserved a little mention as he did one illusion which was very clever. He sawed his partner (who happens to be a guy and a pianist) into 2 and pushed the front part of his body close to the piano and as far away from his pair of legs as possible.The partner then played the piano face up in a reclining position with half of his body showing, the other half was sent to the far side of the stage! Long after the show, we were still trying to figure out how it was done. (You see, Tim and the children have watched the show "Breaking the magician's code" several times and something they like to do is to figure out how a certain magic act/illusion was carried out).

The following day we had a hearty buffet breakfast at the Starz and made our way to Vivo City at Harbour Front to do some shopping. For one thing, electrical gadgets such as hand phones and computers were cheap (even after conversion into SGD) and we inspected and tried out many models of i-phones, i-pads, berry(s) at the different shops at Vivo City. I toyed with the idea of an i-phone so that I could update my blog anytime any place....however I just did not feel that I could take on the responsibility of taking care of such an expensive piece of gadget, having lost my phone on the monorail sometime ago.

Needless to say, we also visited the Uniqlo outlet and admired the wide range of clothes available.

We took the cable car back to the Hotel and enjoyed a scenic view of Singapore. Towering buildings, hotels and the theme park dotted the landscape. We checked out about 1 pm and took a cab to the Golden Mile Complex at Beach Road where our double decker bus fully equipped with an in-house TV, kitchenette and plush chairs was waiting for us....

This holiday bonded the family together like never before. Somehow we always feel closer to our children after a few days away together....(see our photos on facebook)!

Goodbye Singapore, goodbye Virgo....see you next year!

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