Friday, January 7, 2011


During our recent family holiday on the cruise ship Libra, my daughter came to me excitedly and told me that the manicure offered by the ship's beauty parlor cost only SGD25 which was 50% off its usual price. She wanted to have her nails done on board as back home, it would cost her about double the amount in Malaysian currency. I was not too pleased as I consider manicure (and pedicure) a luxury. I mean why is there a necessity to do up our nails to have the colours come out a few months later? Also colours that fade off done-up nails are not a pleasant side. They come out like splotches of paint leaving the pink of the nails showing through in odd places.

I was not too keen to fork out the money to pay for the manicure. Considering that mumsie had only one proper manicure done in her entire life and that was before my wedding day, I didn't see why she could not emulate my example. However if you know my youngest daughter, you would not be able to out-talk her (except maybe her father). She argued and pleaded and cajoled us into agreeing with her request. Her rationale was that the manicure would be able to last her for a long long time and that it was much much cheaper than in KL, thus it was really worth it for her to do it on the ship.

My daughter was smiling from cheek to cheek when she showed me her nails. Everytime I see them done up in black with little white polka dots, I really wonder why she finds it so attractive. I still think that our nails are their loveliest when they are in their god-given natural colour, a healthy pink with reddish hues.

Posted by mummy

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