Saturday, October 31, 2015


Another testimony....

A started her pharmacy training at a retail pharmacy in Kepong. Unknown to her the customers were mainly Cantonese speaking. Our youngest girl, though smart in picking up languages, struggled for 2 weeks in her job but just could not cope.

She found that speaking conversational Cantonese was one thing but trying to describe the medicines in Cantonese was really tough. Her self-esteem really plunged and she was in tears over her inability to service the customers. She slumped into depression after 2 weeks of working there.

She told the pharmacists that although she may know the names of all medicines in the shop, she was not of much use to her customers as she could not prescribe them to the Cantonese speaking customers. 

What I did not know was that she became depressed over this job assignment so much so that it affected her sleep. She then started to blame us for not putting her in the vernacular school. Like the typical 'banana' she could only speak English although she was Chinese through and through!

I did the only thing I knew...turned to God in prayer. 

One morning while praying I came across this Bible verse "God is my refuge and defense in the day of trouble" and I sent it to her to comfort her.

She then told me she wanted to quit but before doing so she decided to show me her employment letter. To my horror, there was a clause stating that she had to pay damages of RM70k plus if she quit her training as a pharmacist within a year! know your mum is a lawyer and you did not consult her before you signed? Hello....?

I said that you would have to stay with them for one year as your mum would not have the money to bail you out!

I told her to talk to management nicely to release her without having to pay any money. After praying for her, I was relieved to hear that the management had no choice but to let her go as there was an escape clause. 

As A had to get her pharmacist trainee number from the Pharmacist body before doing her training with the retail pharmacists and as she had not done so in this case, her training stint was not recognized by the Pharmacy body!

When they realized the mistake, they agreed to let her go but without any pay for the 2 weeks of work....which was better than her having to pay back the damages!

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