Friday, October 24, 2014

The day the myvi got towed away

Amanda told us last night during dinner that her Myvi got towed away a week ago.

She did not tell us because she said that she did want to freak us out. She also felt that she had to solve the problem herself.

I was amazed at her maturity in handling the matter. She said that she had parked the car at Times Square. When she came out an hour later, the car was gone!

I can imagine her distress. She was also carrying so many things. Somehow she found out that her car had been towed by the police. However she did not know where the car had been towed away to as they were about 3 places where they could possibly have sent the car.

The police were not helpful at all. Finally an old taxi driver helped her and she managed to get her car out by paying RM250 as the penalty/fine.

I was amazed at the lesson learnt by her over this incident. She said "If something bad happens to us, God has something good in store for us" and also "Sometimes bad things happen to us so that we can appreciate the good things that we have" and "I think I will not learn to appreciate good health if I do not experience bad health" and "I will not appreciate the blessings in my life if I did not experience the troubles that I encounter in life"!

She said that it was a bad day for her when the Myvi got towed away but it was also a good day because she won free tickets to a concert. Somehow she managed to get through to a radio station contest and the announcer said that she was so lucky as normally it would be practically impossible to be connected to a radio station via a phone call.

 She also found that she suddenly had RM200 extra in her account!

What an amazing testimony!  What a great maturity in my youngest daughter whom I love very much!

However I told her that if she had told me about this I would certainly have helped her!

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