Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lessons learnt on how to avoid being robbed

Recently there seem to be a number of robberies happening in KL and Selangor.

Last month Amanda had the window of her Myvi broken by an Indonesia guy and his girlfriend who thought that the bags @ the back of the car contained computer or valuables. She knew that it was an Indonesian guy as he left behind his Uniclo t-shirt which he used to soften the sound of the massive knock on the back window of the car! As it turned out all the bags contained her CNY clothes. I thanked God that my sweet young lady (matured beyond her years) said that "never mind...consider it a blessing for someone in need..."

However Amanda being the girl that she is promptly went out shopping again and came back with more clothes!!

Anyway as she puts it, we should not make a fuss about the second purchase as she was using her hard earned money  gained from moonlighting on weekends as a sales promoter and not her parents' money!

Then we heard from Adeline that her boyfriend's sister got robbed @ 4 am in the morning. A group of guys in helmets just came at her as she was walking back to the condo (she had parked her car a distance away) and began bashing her up. They bashed her so severely that her ears were badly injured. They finally stopped when she threw her handbag at them.

Lessons learnt:

1. Don't come home late @ night. If you need to work late drive straight to your doorstep.
2. Don't park in isolated places.
3. Don't put bags @ the back of the car.
4. If you get robbed, just give thanks and consider yourself as contributing to the needy people in our society
5. Don't walk alone if you are coming home late @ night
6. Let go of your hand bag 
7. RUN!

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