Friday, October 18, 2013

Hangzhou on Oct 14

17 of us were greeted by Seow Wen at the Hangzhou airport. She sounded pleasant enough but as the days unfolded we found out that she had quite a sharp tongue!

Although most of the time, I did not understand what she said in Mandarin (in a way I was glad for this) I was happy to be spending time with church friends and my beloved hubby for this October tour. Also it was a good thing that I am quite an anglophile cos I was told by one of my good friend who came with us that she was scolding me during the last day of the tour and I wasn't the only one who got it from her!

It was a great crowd. I really appreciate the Tan family, Suesan and Wilfred (our meal companions) and the other 6-member family who brought along their 80 plus year-old grandma. She needed a small chair to get around (not a wheelchair but more like a push-chair) but she gamely walked up and down, here and there with us whenever she could!

There was also another couple who had a 3-year old son whom they loved very much otherwise they would not have been willing to buy him thousands of RM worth of silk bedding at the Shanghai Silk Museum!

Anyway the moment we were met at the airport we were whisked off to West Lake. The weather was really cooling and wonderful. Although we had to walk quite a bit and my knee started acting up (got to lose weight once I balik kampung) I loved the beautiful and scenic lake. 

We brought black corn that tasted hard and crunchy (sold for RMB3 each) and took it on board with us while cruising the lake. The weather was delightful as it was very clear and there was no mist unlike the time when we were in Beijing.

The lake was calm, clear and really very huge. The beautiful willow trees on the banks of the lake were like 'weeping' over the waters. They made really good background for pictures! There were junk-like Chinese boats on the lake and waiting for passengers at the docks.

We had a good dinner before attending the "Night of West Lake Show" described as the most famous indoor real large-scale song, dance and acrobatic show in Hangzhou.

As for the dinner, we had fish, prawns, pork, vegetables, soup, tau-foo, eggs (about 10 dishes). The meal was totally unexpected as Wilfred told us that he went for a very cheap China tour organized by a famous tour agency (about RM1k) years ago and lost 7 kg as a result cos he was only given vegetarian food! Thus the meal was a surprise to him!

The show was fantastic. In terms of quality, backdrop, singing, dancing and acrobatic acts (including flying acrobats) and the finale of 4 motorcycles criss-crossing in a steel glass bowl (very very dangerous) I would say that this show was almost as good as Golden Mask Dynasty. The back-drops featured digital images of spring, butterflies, fire, palaces, farms. The stage also had rain sprinklers and certain parts of it would rise up from the floor with people dancing and singing on it!

We were video-taping away with no one stopping us!

Our hotel was really good in terms of size, comfort, cleanliness and a bathroom with complete accessories like towels, toothbrushes, combs, shower-cream, shampoo etc (Hangzhou Yu Long International Hotel).

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