Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The monkey who stole my glasses

Being a Christian I am never too happy about going to a temple. This was Uluwatu which was part of the holiday tour on Saturday. Amidst sprawling grounds this temple was home to a number of monkeys that roam freely disturbing tourists and looking for food.

I tried to avoid going up to the temple but could not help admiring the scenery from a sloping cliff. The only problem was that the much photographed scenic spot was crawling with monkeys!

Now the van driver cum tour guide told us not to wear our glasses on the head but I was shocked when one of the monkey was so emboldened as to grab my glasses right off my face! Not only my glasses but Tim's as well!

I could not see a thing when the spectacles were yanked off my face. Thank God for a kakak who offered the monkeys some peanuts. Almost immediately one of them dropped Tim's spectacles but mine was nowhere to be found!

Now all the monkeys looked like...well...monkeys! My vision was blurred without my glasses but I knew that unless a miracle happened I would not be able to get back my glasses.

So I prayed....I prayed...and I prayed some more. That was the only thing I could do. "Lord Jesus please bring back my spectacles. My holiday is spoiled without my glasses as I still have one more day to go in Bali!"

Well something miraculous happened! My son went down to the edge of the cliff to pose for photos. He came back with my glasses in his hands. Apparently the monkey who stole my glasses threw them near the edge of the cliff! A wrong throw and my glasses would have tumbled down into the sea......!

Relief was all over my face and my heart was full of thanksgiving to God!

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