Saturday, September 15, 2012

Celebrating our silver anniversary with the less fortunate

25 years ago we got married. That makes Sept 15 our silver anniversary!

So the silver Myvi seems most apt. It marks our silver anniversary. Last year we did not have any celebration. It just came and gone without us even knowing it!

This is probably because Sept is an important month of celebration. The celebration is Amanda's birthday on Sept 21 which is more important than our wedding anniversary (or so I think) as no one else in the family remembers except me!

So this year being our silver anniversary we celebrated our anniversary in a most meaningful way. Together with 14 of our life group members from church and another 3 from another group we made our way to Crisis Home.

We have been visiting the Home for the past 3 years. Each time we are blessed and touched by what God is doing in their lives. When we first came some of them did not look too well. But each year they seem to be glowing and growing in health! In fact I think some of the HIV residents look younger than us!

When we first came, all of them did not have jobs. This time we were told by Ps Isaac that almost all are working, some holding good jobs too! God is good to them.

Another brother had to  walk with crutches as he had one of his legs below the knee amputated. The last time we came in July he did not have crutches. He got an artificial leg! This time when we came he was not in as he had to go to work.

Another blind brother (blinded because of HIV) could only recite a few chapters of Psalm. This time he could recite from Ps 1 to Ps 28! Amazingly he did it without any Braille Bible! Ps Isaac said he only had people read the Bible to him, that's how he memorized the chapters!

Wow...We brought the most delicious nasi lemak in KL for them and they enjoyed the food and the fellowship. There will always be leftovers for their dinner too!

We then had a cake cut to celebrate the birthdays of those born in July, Aug & Sept.

What a meaningful celebration of our silver wedding anniversary!

Tomorrow we will have another great celebration at the Stadium when we celebrate Malaysia's Jubilee (50 years)!

Tonight we are going out for a simple steamboat dinner with Amanda, Joseph and Samuel.

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