Sunday, April 17, 2011

Traffic summons

The other day my husband discovered a traffic summons for a speeding offence  for his car the details of which were posted on a government website monitoring such offences. As the traffic offence occurred somewhere along the highway he knew that only our son could possibly have incurred it. He had no choice but to go through Sam's things to look for the summons. The summons was found and it was noted that the date of the offence was sometime back. Probably out of fear of being scolded by his father, he had hidden the summons from us.

In his 3 years of driving, Samuel had collected more summons than myself and Tim put together! If it was not for speeding, it would be for illegal parking.

When we questioned him about the latest summons, he admitted that there were a lot more traffic offences in the past. How did he get out of it? He proudly told us that he was able to get out of each offence by bribing the policemen! He said it unashamedly because according to him all his friends were doing it!

We warned him that bribery was against God's word. Not only was bribery morally wrong but it was also a criminal offence. Bribery is corruption and one day if he were to attempt bribing an honest policeman, he could very well be hauled up to the police station and face a corruption charge!

According to Samuel, he had heeded our warning. That was why for this latest offence, he did not attempt to bribe the policeman (although he wanted to). He said that he quietly sat in the car and waited for the speeding ticket to be issued to him.

When we heard his explanation, we decided that no deduction will be made for the RM250 summons from his pocket money the week ahead but that we will bear it this time around. However we gave him warning that if it were to happen again the next time, he would have to bear the fine himself!

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