Sunday, June 12, 2016

Mr Brown Avenue, Taitung, Taiwan

Rolling green fields without a pole, picture this....

This place seems to go on forever. Some people cycle on the tar roads, some people walk on it but due to my knee pain, I took shelter under a huge tree with some of my tour mates....I wonder what is so fascinating about this place....hmm...

Maybe it was this picture frame that slanted toward the sky. You could stand behind it and pose in so many different was a like a huge picture frame transpose against a blue sky...

Other that I did not find anything special about this place. Many we did not walk far enough to the cafe to drink the Mr Brown coffee that made this place got its name......

Friday, June 3, 2016


It was the biggest and grandest wedding I have ever attended!

Sample wedding invitation sent via whatsapp for confidentiality purposes and to save postage costs....

After the dinner, Tim made touching thank you notes to send to our guests thanking them for their generous gifts .....never mind if the smallest ang pow was RM50 and the biggest was RM800...

The fact is that if we were to match the amount collected with the actual cost per table it would be definitely insufficient to cover the entire cost. In fact we would have to top up the cost per table!

Thank God for BS and KH, my son-in-law's parents who insisted that we keep all the ang pow collection that night. According to Chinese tradition, the boy's side will host the wedding with allocation of tables for the girl's side. 

The parents of the bride can invite their friends for the dinner and keep the entire collection! Thank God for daughters...but we have one son so this collection would have to be saved to fund his wedding....

The wedding of A and D will certainly be remembered for our generations to come. Held at Tropicana Golf & Country Club, we were given 18 out of 74 tables by the groom's family. All our tables were taken up leaving only one vacant seat.

We had prayed that all who were supposed to come will come and that all seats had to be taken up. God heard our prayers. Only one seat was vacant out of our 18 tables.

With guests from my company, solicitors and church friends, it was such a wondrous occasion. 

Even more meaningful was a reunion of sorts for us with old friends like the Yaps, the Lees & the Engs. My best friends like the two Karens & MS also attended the dinner. Although I had not seen them for a long time, it was only like yesterday!

It was great to see their children all so grown up. The Yaps came with 2 of their daughters. The Lees also had 2 young adults daughters. Equally delightful was to see my 2 Karens who are my best friends. I really do have a lot of good friends named Karen!

The wedding started about an hour late. Not the fault of the bride but the kitchen was not ready. First time sitting at the main table, we got our food individually served on small plates. However as we had to greet the guests we could not finish the last few courses of the mushroom, the rice and the desert. We did not get a chance to savor them as we had to wait at the entrance to shake the hands of departing guests!

I wore a very expensive azure blue evening dress with sequinned shoulder top. It fitted me to a tee. though I am not slim, I must say that the dress did not look frumpy on me. In fact I looked good.

I went with A to the beautician and hairdresser in the afternoon to do up our hair and makeup. First time in my life, I had so much hair! I don't know what the hairdresser did but my hair was so buffed up and sparkles were put in my hair!

The father in law gave a wonderful and touching speech welcoming A into the family. Tim's speech was super short. Tim said that he was glad to read out the poem I wrote for A and D. That made up 90% of his speech. 

God inspired me to write the poem for the couple and dedicated it to them. The poem has been printed out and given to eldest daughter and her husband. May they remember to apply the principles in the poem for ages to come!

I recalled the Lord's promise to me that He will bless me and bring increase to my family. I can see His faithfulness to me on May 21. My extended family has grown. I have a new son, a wonderful sister (D's mum is generous and love my daughter lavishly) and a wonderful brother in KH, D's father.

Also I was happy to see so many of my long-lost cousins attending the wedding dinner some of them giving big ang pows! 

My cousins, P, K, A and S & their families made the night so meaningful. It was great to see them happily greeting my 85 year old mother whom they had not seen for many years. Actually the reason for this was because my mother only kept in touch with her side of the family during CNY. All my cousins who came to visit my mum during CNY were from her side of the family. The cousins that came in full force for the wedding were from my late father's side. I also have at least 2 more cousins in Australia, O & J from my mother's side who sent us good wishes.